Moving and Shifting Energy in our Bodies: A Step by Step Guidance✨
People ask me how Energy Healing, Moving & Shifting works…
Hereby, I start with explaining how it works from a neuroscientific view and then I share how it energetically works for me and how I guide people in 1:1 Sessions. Always make sure you connect with your inner wisdom & body and how it works for you✨
A Neuroscientific Explanation about Stress.
We can learn a lot about what happens during stress from neuoscience. In response to threat our sympathetic nervous system automatically provides for us an evolutionary survival response of fight, flight, freeze. This is a very useful way to make sure we protect ourselves from harm. When there is a lion coming at you, you will probably flight or freeze (or fight) and make sure you do everything to survive. Nowadays, chances you will meet a lion will be slim, but when you for example feel and burn your hand with fire, the same survival response takes place and you will immediately pull back your hand. There is no thinking a.k.a. higher brain process involved nor required in these automatic responses.
What may happen in a stress response without the presence of a physical threat:
Without the presence of a physical threat we may react in the same kind of way. Terrible things happen and feeling pain is part of our lives, but often times the pain we experience gets bigger by how we react to it. We ‘think’ we will drown in sorrow if we let ourselves feel it. We ‘think’ there is a lion approaching us, but there isn’t an actual lion coming at us. It is our mind playing tricks on us. We think fearful or critical thoughts. And we may automatically react to that by a fight, flight, freeze response. There is nothing wrong with us, it is just how our brain & nervous system is wired to do it’s job. And it can be very difficult to cope with.
What may happen when we are energetically triggered into a stress response:
In addition, in contact and resonance with our energetic environment we may react in the same kind of way. We may feel the energy of other people, places or things. We may absorb them and feel overwhelmed by them, and we might feel aroused or drained of our own energy. And to fight, flight or freeze may then be our automatic survival response as the ready & available coping mechanism in this stressful situation.
How can we heal ourselves?
We can practice to become more and more aware of what happens in the moment. Notice if there are any thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. You can practice becoming aware of the first automatic response (it just happens when it happens) and continue to become aware of a second response: Are there any thoughts, feelings and sensations in your body? How do you want/need to react to that? What is yours, what is someone else’s’? This reflection & inquiry may give you a deeper insight of what’s going on it the moment. And when there are energetic sensations happening in your body they ask for lots of love & attention in healing.
11 Ways in which we can energetically heal ourselves.
✨Sometimes we just need to feel and let it be.
Sometimes we need to sigh or speak up.
Sometimes we need to keep our distance and remove ourselves from the other/ the place or object.
Sometimes we need to connect with a loved one.
Sometimes we need to hug ourselves.
Sometimes we need to meditate or take a warm shower.
Sometimes we need to stretch, spread our arms and expand our bodies.
Sometimes we need to let our bodies tingle and shake. Just like animals do after a threat- they shake and heal themselves naturally.
Sometimes we need to ground ourselves by noticing both feet on the ground and connect with the earth energy.
Sometimes we need to open up and connect with the sky energy.
And sometimes we need to start moving our bodies. By walking, running, dancing, shaking it out. Like nobody is watching.
Your body knows…
✨When some kind of stress response happens, we need to get out of the way with our thoughts, as difficult as this may be, and let our bodies do their job.
Your body knows.
The heart in your body knows.
You know. Just let it happen and trust your inner wisdom.
By feeling & moving we shift & redirect the energy in our bodies.
Healing takes place naturally.
✨Does this resonate with you?
In a Session 1:1 for adults you’ll receive lots of healing insights & practical tools from a holistic view tailor made to your personal needs; including your body, mind, emotions, heart and spirit.
A few of the many examples from previous sessions are:
Stress, burn-out, trauma healing, overstimulation with high sensitivity (HSP), giftedness, autism, ADHD, eating problems & eating disorders, depression, embodiment, feeling and translating emotions and so much more…
Each Session is like every person unique. Being fully yourself and living with joy & satisfaction!
You are very welcome to book your Session.
Questions? Contact me here.