Mindfulness & compassion meditations
Guided meditations
Below you may listen to my guided mindfulness and compassion meditations.
They are recorded live from Sessions including any ambient sounds.
“Listened to your meditations this morning. I'm totally happy with it; it always feels very good to see, feel, read on your website :-). Thank you.”
— Claire, Mindfulness trainer
3 Step Breathing Space
In this 3 Step Breathing Space mindfulness meditation from you are invited to pause and reflect upon your experience in the moment, after which you come home to the movement of the breath. Step 1: Are there any thoughts, feelings or physical sensations? Step 2: Connecting with the breath as an anchor to the here & now. Step 3: Expanding your awareness to you body as a whole, and including your surroundings.
Compassionate Touch Meditation
In this Compassionate touch embodiment meditation I guide you to connect with your body from the consciousness of your heart and a gentle compassionate touch of your hands with different body parts. You will be invited to allow everything to be as it is (11 mins).
Inspired by the Compassionate Touch Exercise, Chosen Bays & Wilkens.
In this 30 - mins. bodyscan mindfulness meditation I guide you to connect with your body from your tows to the top of your head. You practice to bring your attention (back) into your body.
Mindful eating
In this 9 - mins. mindful eating mindfulness meditation I guide you to open up all of your senses while eating: to feel, smell & taste the food. And to practice being aware of any physical sensations in your body.
Does it taste for more?
Experience a Session with meditation and lots of insights & practical tools tailored to your personal needs.
“I’m thankful still regularly using your meditations, especially now that sleeping is difficult.”
— Medical doctor, GP
Connecting fully with yourself/ others and living with joy.
Read more about Sessions for adults and Sessions for children & adolescents
or Supervision for Health Professionals.
Questions? Contact me here.