Supervision for Health Professionals

Supervision & guidance

“Many compliments for Maartje. Very good explanation and also a listening ear.”

— Health Care (GZ-) Psychologist & Medical doctor

What do you experience?

In a Supervision session for Healthcare Professionals you will receive lots of insights, practical tools and further training in your guidance of others; in your client/patient contact. Thereby, you can benefit from more than 11 years of practice experience and, if desired, my solid background as a Mindfulness trainer, teacher trainer, Supervisor in the MBSR tradition (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), dance & Yin yoga teacher. I do this personally tailored to you needs. So that you can live and work with joy and satisfaction; from your strengths, authenticity and potential.

Connecting fully with yourself and in guiding others!

For Health Professionals such as: (Health Care-/ clinical) psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors (GP), therapists, mindfulness trainers, teacher trainers, dieticians, coaches, (dance/ yoga) teachers, (HR/study) advisors, etc.

Each Session is like every person unique. Let yourself be inspired below by the Supervision themes & reviews from previous sessions.

Review Supervision 1:1

“Thank you so much for your Supervision. The questions you ask are very nice, intuitive and intelligent. A beautiful combination of heart and head.”

— Mindfulness trainer & Health Care (GZ-) Psychologist

Supervision 1:1

11+ years of experience with a.o.:

Mindfulness & compassion

Develop and/or enrich your Mindfulness & compassion skills for yourself and in guiding others 1-on-1 or in groups (open groups or group-specific). Become skilled in embodiment and in your inquiries. And/or learn to guide meditations & give teachings from your own authenticity and much more.


Receive lots of insights & tools in your guidance, of amongst others, conscious eating, healthy nutrition, adjusted eating patten with disease/ allergies, recognition of eating problems and/or in the treatment of eating disorders and more. Expertise tailored to all possible forms.


Learn the skills of embodied & wholehearted inquiry.
Body awareness and embodiment.
Listening to physical signals & boundaries.
Bodywork, mindfulness & compassion with cancer/ disease/ burn-out/ pain problems.
Experience & guide movement, dance or yoga exercises.


Case studies & more

Tuning into case studies to receive guidance in the treatment of a.o. burnout, depression, trauma, grief/ loss, sleeping problems, overstimulation with hyper-/ highsensitivity, giftedness, autism/ asperger's, ADHD.
Designing workshops/ lectures.
Private practice or intercollegiate contact.
Working from your strengths and authenticity; living your soul mission.

Client/ patient contact

Experience power, clarity & effortlessness in asking your questions.
Insight into your role and responsibility as a trainer/ practitioner.
Mirroring: What is yours? What is someone else's?
Protocol-based work and/or intuitive tuning.
Knowing vs. not-knowing.
Feeling with, without suffering with.
Duality and Non-duality.


You can directly make an appointment for your Supervision.

Review Supervision 1:1

“Your experience really speaks volumes.”

— Mindfulness trainer

How do I work?

Ways of working & rate:

I work without endless waiting lists, intakes, diagnostic and treatment processes. In your Supervision you will receive from my vision & methodology - and 11+ years of practical experience in successfully guiding many private individuals & healthcare professionals with various life questions & problems - lots of insights and practical tools personally tailored to your needs that you can apply directly in your own way in your client/ patient contact within your own field of work. Every Supervision is a beautiful and unique collaboration. Your strengths and authenticity are thereby paramount:

Connecting fully with yourself and in guiding others. That works!

Rate 3 series Supervision: 3x €180,- including 21% VAT per session (approximately 60 minutes).* The time between successive Supervision sessions is tailored to your needs (on average 2 - 4 weeks). With a guided meditation you will receive your own audio recording as a download. Afterwards, it’s possible to receive a Supervision declaration.
As of March 1, 2025 rate 3 series Supervision: 3x €225,- including 21% VAT per session.*

* Reimbursement is possible by the employer; freely request a quote.

What can you expect?

In each Supervision session the insightful conversation is central. We use the power of tuning in the moment, reflection and evaluation. Both the nature of the Supervision and ways of working will be personally tailored in the moment, your profession and field of work. Receiving and applying insights/ teachings in the client/ patient contact goes hand in hand, as does, if desired, experiencing and guiding exercises yourself. For a powerful Supervision, you can prepare each session with your own agenda items, questions and case studies (submitting in advance is possible, but not necessary).

When making your appointment, you can indicate your profession as a healthcare professional and field of work. You can directly book your Supervision here.

Rather a Session for yourself?

In a Session for yourself I guide you with your own life questions & problems. Being fully yourself and living with joy and satisfaction!
Read more about the Sessions for adults.

Review Supervision 1:1

“Maartje knows how to get to the core quickly with a number of beautiful questions/ explorations, angles and advice. Very valuable to be able to spar like this and in my experience to explore together from a deep contact and her wisdom about what is valuable in answering my question. Nice to be able to periodically recalibrate like this.”

— Health Care (GZ-) Psychologist


In-person & online:

My private practice is conveniently located in the heart of Sittard - Geleen, nearby Zuyderland hospital and the A2. Supervision is also often Online via Zoom.

It’s both just as good; it’s often a personal and/or practical preference as to what works for you. When you book your Supervision you can indicate your preference.


“Very nice your peace, in addition to all your tools and tips. And even though it was online, I really felt connected. Thank you!”

— Health Care (GZ-) Psychologist & Mindfulness trainer

Logo VMBN Category 1 registered teacher Maartje Stroeken.

 Collaborations & memberships:

Logo Kwaliteitsregister voor Mindfulness trainers.
Logo Fysiovision in collaboration with Maartje Stroeken.
Logo Fysiovision Shoulder arm centre plus in collaboration with Maartje Stroeken.
Logo Jenaplan de Vlieger.
Logo Eating disorder Network in collaboration with Maartje Stroeken.

“Many compliments for Maartje. Very good explanation and also a listening ear.”

— Health Care (GZ-) Psychologist & Medical doctor

Thank you for your guidance and valuable tips!”

— Mindfulness trainer

“I experience Maartje as someone who is very down to earth, very grounded in her body and who can also intuitively sense what is going on. Maartje really has the power to see the body as an intelligent system that actually sends you a lot of signals, which are sometimes not always easy for me to pick up or translate and she helps me to do that.”

— Sumaya, Psychologist

“I would like to thank you again for the wonderful conversations, in which I felt at ease and could be myself.”

— Mindfulness trainer

“I experienced the contact with Maartje as very pleasant. The first thing I noticed was that Maartje leaves a lot of space in which I can see myself, like a reflection in the mirror. Maartje creates silences in a very natural way, she senses me and my energy and she gives me the reflection back in a non-verbal and compassionate way. Her presence and feedback were very valuable to me as a trainer and I see how Maartje can join me in my development as a Mindfulness trainer with other supervision questions and experiences that I will encounter while giving trainings.”

— Ana Trajanovska, Yoga teacher & Mindfulness trainer

“Maartje's strength really is that she doesn't tell you what to do and you come with a lot of questions, but it is precisely because of the way she asks the questions that you find your own answers. I would love for everyone to experience that.”

— Rianne, Coach & teacher

“Thank you for your conversations and insights lately!”

— Medical doctor (GP)

“Through the meditation at the start of my Supervision with Maartje, I immediately became aware of thoughts and feelings around an issue in my current mindfulness training and my own process within it. After the meditation, we started to put words to it together, and the fact that they were received on an emotional level by you helped me enormously to realize what was going on. I am still very busy with ‘how to solve something’ in the lesson, in the group, how to put the other person at ease, to help reduce the problem. I now realize that I don’t have to do that, am not responsible for the problem but can contribute in seeing and recognizing. I may allow my own authenticity and trust my ability and knowledge, with compassion. The movement exercises are also wonderful - shaking the body without thinking; feeling, letting warmth flow through - heaviness - anchoring.

Thank you, so valuable!!
I feel so fulfilled!”

— Evelien, Mindfulness trainer

“Maartje radiates mindful eating as a living example. Top notch!”

— Nicole, Mindfulness trainer

* Receive personalized expertise.

* Enjoy 11+ years of practice experience.

* Supervision & guidance for Health Professionals.

Questions? Maybe your answer is here:

— Is reimbursement possible? Yes, reimbursement is possible by the employer. I often provide a quote for 3 Supervision Sessions (more is possible in consultation). After approval of the quote by the employer and agreement of the session dates with you, the invoice will be made in the name of the employer.

— Is it possible to receive a Supervision declaration? Yes, it is possible to receive a Supervision declaration afterwards with the dates of the followed Supervision.

Please note: If Supervision is followed in the context of registration with a professional association, the Supervisee remains responsible for whether the requirements of the professional association are met. Sessions are not a substitute for medical advice. Sessions can be booked additionally in consultation.

The above information has been prepared based on previously asked questions and experience.

Connecting fully with yourself and in guiding others.

You can directly book your Supervision.

Questions? Contact me here.

Being fully yourself!