Maartje practicing Wide-knee Child's pose.
Wood element in Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Yin yoga.

Wood is the element of spring season in Chinese medicine & acupuncture.

The wood element is connected with the organs of our liver & gallbladder, the emotions of anger & compassion, the color green, and a sour taste which can be stimulated by eating ‘sour’ foods such as appels, yoghurt, wheat.

As I studied Insight yin yoga with founder Sarah Powers I learned that it follows these principles of the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine & acupuncture. Yin yoga works like acupuncture without needles.

It is a holistic way of healing as it works mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically & spiritually.

We may use the pressure points of the ground and the workings of gravity to stimulate the life energy flow (chi) alongside so called ‘meridians’ or energy pathways in your body.✨

Guidance for safely practicing Wide-knee Child’s yin yoga pose:

We may stimulate the liver meridian of the wood element alongside our inner legs & groin by holding for example Wide-knee Child’s pose for 3 - 5 mins.

It strengthens our bodies' deeper lying tissues (connective tissue, tendons, joints) and it helps us to balance moments of feeling anger & frustration with compassion.

Gently hold yourself while sinking into this pose and allowing & trusting the magical energy flow of life and the healing powers of the wood element to do its work 🌿

✨In a Session 1:1 you may receive your very own yin yoga practice holistically attuned to your needs.

📸 - Wide-knee Child’s pose (Yin yoga & Healing workshop, 2016).

More about Healing & Yin yoga




Joyfully Living Life as You are ✨!