Feeling deeply Moved: an Ode to our Joy & Aliveness

Happy New Year dear everyone!

Let’s start 2022 with a little ode to our joyful nature in these turbulent times.

When we open up our senses, we can feel our joy & aliveness by being in touch with our life energy that’s already within & around us.

Joy then becomes our very life force that gives birth to our hearts creations.

Like a flower opening. Blooming.

We may feel it in the spontaneous flow of our feminine energy.

Softness. Sensuality. Groundedness. Openness. Receptiveness. Intimacy. Embracing. Realness. Rawness. Giving birth to new ideas.

We may feel it in dancing, moving, walking in nature, listening to music, watching art, painting or reading an inspiring book or quote.

We may feel it in connection with ourselves, with a stranger that we meet with a smile on the streets, or by sharing moments of our journey with a dear other, friend or family.

We may feel it in an intimate & physical touch with someone we love, or we may feel it in more of an energetic touch. 

Heart to heart. Life to life. Aliveness resonating. Feeling deeply moved…..

What awakens your joy & aliveness you will know by following what resonates for YOU. Your heart & body will show you. Your true guidance comes from within.

May your New Year 2022 be full of joyful connection with yourself, others and life itself.

And if you would like to receive guidance in a Healing Session 1:1 to reconnect with your wholeness & intuitive wisdom: feel very welcome.

You may book your own Session 1:1.


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Honoring sacred times & transitions as a symbol of birth & rebirth