Maartje Stroeken

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Honoring sacred times & transitions as a symbol of birth & rebirth

Christmas and New Year’s Eve traditionally have been sacred times & transitions that may be an invitation to reflect on your own birth & rebirth.✨

Luckily, there is more and more research showing there is an essential connection between our sacred times & transitions in the womb during pregnancy & birth, and our development later in life as a child, adolescent, adult.

As I was literally marinated in fear both at times in the womb when my mother was afraid of losing me because of medical reasons & during a near death experience while coming into this world, I experienced both a prenatal & birth trauma. And this was just the beginning of my intense & beautiful life journey.

Times & transitions that should have been sacred & nourishing when disrupted can have a deep impact on how we came here to be.

When our mother (or our mother’s mother) was afraid of losing us during pregnancy, when our birth had complications, when our father was absent, this is what may impact our development as a fetus & later in life.

When we weren’t wanted by (one of) our parents to come into this world, when there were frictions between our parents before/ after our conception, this is what may impact our development as a fetus & later in life.

When our mothers left us crying, when our parents life circumstances were the ones of survival mode, when we were not touched, loved & embraced the way we needed to be, this is what may impact our development later in life.

And none of this is about blaming or pointing the finger towards anyone. I believe it’s all about exploring & deeply recognizing ourselves in what has happened with us.

We may recognize that in order to survive we translated these experiences into core beliefs that came to determine our identity, such as: “It’s not safe for me to be here”, “I am not loved”, “I am not good enough” or “I am responsible for others”.

We blamed ourselves, adapted and molded ourselves into what we thought was expected of us, rather than staying true to ourselves, precisely because we were dependent of receiving the much needed love & embrace from our caregivers.

Nothing essential however really is lost.

Sacred times & transitions are here & now. It is actually when trauma arises to the surface earlier or later in life, that we can begin to heal ourselves.

Life is the very moment when healing already begins. It’s a journey from seemingly losing the connection with yourself to deeply reconnecting.

Rebirthing into who you really are. Healing into your wholeness. Already within.✨